23 January 2007

what now?

i keep saying things like "i swear, i will be a better blogger!" i have such good intentions and then "things" happen--holidays, vacations, or life just ramps up and feels so busy all the time.

the reason for the latest hiatus? morning sickness. that's right people. a new baby cometh. and he shall arrive in september. it's a wonderful thing. and the sad part is that i have hardly been able to enjoy the news because as soon as i found out, The
Sickness came. i had no time to rejoice. instead i found myself just trying to get thru the moment to moment management of my swooning head and tummy.

this intense Sickness was way worse than it was last time. WAY. i say "was" because as of yesterday i am feeling much better. i owe it to my homeopath. she doled out a remedy (perfectly baby safe) that really kicked The Sickness down. i couldn't be more thankful. i felt like was going to die. i wanted to scream and throw things. it was nearly unbearable.

i saw my midwife yesterday when i told her how sick i was and how different it is from last pregnancy she said, "you could be having a girl." don't toy with me woman. i'm all hormonal and weepy. and furthermore, i'm already convinced this kid is a boy. i don't remotely expect a girl. in hubby's family there is only one girl. he has all boy cousins and his cousins all had boys. except for the lone girl. so, a boy. unless proven otherwise.

i'm happy to report that The Sickness has gone from completely overwhelming and debilitating to managable. totally managable. i feel like i have a giant case of butterflies. like i have to go and speak in front of a crowd (a big crowd, like the whole world) or have a really difficult conversation where i have to say things i'm afraid to say. major, big-ass, butterflies.

so, my question is. . .do any of you have things that have helped you or someone you know with The Sickness. cause i'll tell you what. if it comes back the way it was last week, i'll whistle Dixie while standing on my head in the snow if i have to if that'll take it away.


Allie said...

Congratulations!! How VERY exciting!!! Your post made me laugh out loud here at work a few times.

I swear by Coca Cola. A registered nurse told me that little tip after attempting to become an addict on Diclectin that never helped, nor any other rememdy that was tossed my way. Her explanation: it is what they provide to people when getting sea sick. Heck if it didn't work like a charm. HOWEVER .... I was extremely sick with my son. Deathly so combined with severe motion sickness. This pregnancy? COMPLETE OPPOSITE: no sickness but that could be because I started drinking Coke right from the get go. Although ... I am having a girl this time around ....

Congrats again! I am so looking forward to hearing about your experience! When is your due date in September?

kate said...

allie--i'm all over it. coca cola. can't hurt to try it, although i'm not sure i can get it down. i'm having the hardest time with beverages.

due: september 13. also my niece's bday. crazy.

Allie said...

Just start with baby sips Kate. It was honestly a god send for me. I was to the point of having to go to the doctor for IV saline drips to keep me hydrated. I have shared that little tip with a couple of my girlfriends who also struggled with nausea and the Coke worked like a charm for them. Interesting note though .... Pepsi didn't work for anyone that has tried it .....

By the by ... my son is on Sept 9th so that happens to be a good day to give birth on ... in my opinion anyways. :)

Jamie said...

First, congratulations to you and your family! Fantastic news!
I had wicked morning sickness and nothing but 18 weeks made it notably better. That being said, when I was so nauseous that I was about to throw up, I would suck on lemon candy - the more sour the better. Hopefully you will find something to help you feel better, I know it is miserable. Hang in there, and again, I am so so happy for you.

babymorris said...

Salt & Vinegar potato chips, Coke, 7up, lemon drops.

Which, if I could even contemplate holding something down, I would consume right now. But instead I'm in my pre-"throw up so violently I wake the dead" stage (lasts an hour to two hours before I throw up, and happens about half the time I throw up. The other times I just throw up.)

Congratulations and enjoy the Coke!

sari said...

I don't have any remedies, but I had horrible morning sickness with my second, and he's about as Boy as Boy can be. So throw out the "Girl" theory for a while, anyway.

Feel better!!

Anonymous said...


My my wife was pregnant, I was the one who had morning sickness. I guess what psychologists call as sympathy pain is real.

Hope you feel better.


beth said...

Ah! Congratulations! This is so exciting.

I am so sorry to hear about the return of the illness though. I have found that this time around it helps if I force myself to eat some type of protein. It seems to be all about my blood sugar levels. And as hard as it is sometimes to eat, it seems to just get steadily worse throughout the day if I don't eat. So I've noticed that when I suck it up and force myself to get some protein in then in the long run I feel a bit better. Perhaps though the thought of eating anything is so ridiculous that you are laughing right now...

L. said...

i can't say from the pregnant, but coke's all that gets me through a bad hangover, so . . .